How did you react to Brian’s thoughts and actions? Do you think he is sensible or unreasonable?
I didn't really react at all, but it was quite dramatic when the plane crashed. I think that Brian is building up false hope to forget about the terrible accident and the mess he is in now.
What lesson does Brian recall from Mr Pepich, his English teacher? How does that lesson help Brian as he sits beside the lake?
Brian had a teacher named Mr Pepich who was always talking about being positive, thinking positive, staying on top of things. Pr Pepich’s listen gave Brian motivation, and a lot of hope.
Evaluate and Connect
Sometimes Brian’s thoughts go back to an earlier time, when he was with his mother. What effect do these “breaks” have on the story.
The “Breaks” answered my questions about ‘the secret’ it also answered my questions why Brian was going to visit his father who was living in Canada, and why his parents are divorced. The “Breaks” helped me understand Brian a little bit more.
Are Brian’s reactions to the pilot’s death and the crash realistic? Does Brian seem like a real thirteen-year-old boy?
Brian’s reaction to the pilot’s death was quite surprising actually, I thought he would have freaked he did but he also got back into his right mind and thought up a plane that kind of succeeded. Brian doesn't’t seem like a thirteen-year-old boy, he seems to mature about everything and he’s always got a plane for everything, if that makes since.